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Restoration beginning of the organ of the Solsona’s cathedral



Last October, the restoration work on the organ began.

The Bishopric of Solsona headed by Bishop Xavier Novell, the Cathedral Chapter headed by his Dean Mn. Lluis Grifell, as various organizations and people of the population have promoted the Organ Commission of the Cathedral of Solsona, an entity that has consulted several specialists, and requested several restoration projects, being chosen by the organ orgeneral Albert Blancafort to carry on term this recovery.

The Commission has launched a promotional campaign with several actions that began with the VENTUS gala, which was held on Saturday, October 19, in the Solsona regional theater, with the participation of various entities, actors, musicians and the organist.

Other actions and concerts have been performed, such as the installation of a banner, the placement of panels and others.